
Unlimited Internet Sim

  • 9 May 2023
  • 4 respostas
  • 60 visualizações

Crachá +1
  • Estagiário Júnior
  • 6 respostas

My last post was marked as resolved but they haven’t done anything.

I will continue to post until it is resolved.

The Meo shop sold me, what I was told, was a prepay internet sim, which I then had to register online. 

The sim said that it would cost thirty euros, for thirty days unlimited internet.  When I went to register online, the contract that the shop sold me was not amongst their normal contracts, only a far more expensive one was available.  

Eventually after much hassle and site surfing, I was sent a link to sign for, what I was told was the correct service.  I understood that it was a prepay sim, but I couldn't prepay!  I spent the next few days worried that I'd be left with no internet.  My daughter kindly took me to a Meo shop. which cost me 10 euros in petrol and nearly half a day.  The assistant at the shop had no idea, first they said that I had a long contract, then they said that I would be invoiced at the end of the month. It was halfway through the following month before I received an invoice that ended in 10cents (44.10). How can that be, for a 1 euro a day 30-day agreement? I cancelled but it wouldn't let me cancel that day (15th), it kept changing the date to the 30th of the month. It wouldn't let me put all the information on as to why. Now, because I refused to pay, you have added a fine onto my bill.  I refuse to spend loads of my time and money ringing you. I complained to you, and I cancelled my contract. I sent a photograph of the sim card cut in half.  If you have a problem with that, why can't you ring me, why have I got to spend my credit ringing you?  On past experience I had to wait ages, speak to various people who can't help, then speak to someone who says that they will sort it out, and then they do not sort it out,  and I never hear from them again! 

I want this sorted out.

I will pay the 1 euro per day that I owe up until the 15 March.

I have tried paying already but it will not let me.

Do not tell me to ring your customer support.


Solução por Ricardo27 9 May 2023, 13:46

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4 respostas

Reputação 7
Crachá +24

Like @Luís_MEO  has already told you, you have to contact the customer service. This is a forum. Here we are clients. No one here has access to meo system.  You won’t solve your issue here.

Crachá +1

I have already told you that I am not phoning your customer support.  I will email a customer support member, can you give me an email address?


Reputação 7
Crachá +24

There is no support email.

Take a look here:

Como criar um pedido ou reclamação no my MEO


Crachá +1

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