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I moved so I had to transfer my internet, it was a package that included internet, TV and a cell phone card, this package had a 24 month term and 10 months had passed since it started.


Then I was told that because of the move I had to sign a new contract for 24 months, it was recalculated and the first 10 months were no longer within and the price of the new contract was much higher.

I would like to know if this is customary in Portugal?


When I signed the contract last year I was not told by anyone that if I moved I would have to sign a new contract and that my monthly bill would increase.

I think this is unfair, do I have to accept this?

New adress, means new contract with new conditions and with 24 months starting again.

It's perfecty normal, and not only in Portugal. 


Thank you for your reply!

I have traveled to different countries and maybe this situation is handled differently.

Because the user of the original contract hasn't changed, the service hasn't changed, the only thing that has changed is the address, and moving is something that happens to a lot of people. In another country the practice is to continue the old contract and the price remains the same, just maybe to be charged for the installation, which is usually not expensive.

I would like to ask a question:
Moving requires a new contract, the loyalty period has to be recalculated and the price is not the same as in the old contract, was all this agreed in the old contract? I don't speak Portuguese and the contract is 40 pages long and I can't read it.

Thanks again for your help.


The contract is made for a specific address. If there is a change of owner at the same address, everything stays the same. 

The loyalty period is related to the installation at that address. Therefore, if there is a change of address, there is a breach of contract.

Customers can choose contracts with a reduced loyalty period or even without any loyalty. But as these contracts become more expensive, almost no one takes them. 

If you pay the installation costs, around 350 euros, I think it will be possible to keep the old contract. But this possibility, you have to analyze with MEO customer support.

@Ricardo27 I have been a Meo customer for nearly 10 years, and when I moved to my current residence (2017) I contacted Meo services and requested the "Mudança de Casa" service.

I did not sign a new contract (but I did have to reset my Loyalty period) so I find this user's situation a bit odd. Moving the services to the new home used to be free for customers who had Meo for more than 6 months. Do you happen to know if something changed regarding this? 

Free or 25 euros, if you sign new contract with new loyalty period.