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I wish to cancel my contract after the 24 month period has ended.  I sent the cancellation form in July and received an acknowledgement on 31 July that further communication would be by telephone or email.  Since then I have received only an email survey asking for feedback on why I no longer wish to be a client, which I completed and returned.


Yesterday I realised that the satellite TV service has been disconnected so I assume that the contract has indeed been terminated.  However, I have this morning received a fatura for the whole of August, with no indication that this is a final invoice, so now I am being invoiced for services I am not receiving.


I obviously need to ensure that this invoice is cancelled, and also whether MEO will collect my equipment or require me to deliver it to a store.  I have tried phoning the number 961 001 620 but I do not understand what information I am being asked to give at the initial menu stage and I would prefer to speak in English as my Portuguese is not yet very good, though I am learning.  What should I do?

Call 961 001 620 and then say “english”. The language will change into english.  

I tried this suggestion, which I have never heard before, but it didn't work 

I tried it, just before answering, and it works perfectly.

First you have to wait until the bla bla ends, and then say “english”.

Well I just tried again, doing exactly as you suggested, and it repeated the list of options in Portuguese again so it doesn't work for me.  Perhaps you have to have a phone on a contract with MEO?

Don’t know why it’s not working with you…

In the list of options press 9 to speak to an operator.

Obrigado pela sua ajuda.  Agora tenho uma confirmação que o meu contrato é cancelado mas tenho de devolver os equipamentos á uma loja com serviço de devolução.  No Algarve, não sei as lojas com este serviço.  Pode ajudar mais uma vez?  Obrigado 

Tem estas:


Muito obrigado