You cant change your DNS on MEO Fibergateway.
Change it on your devices.
You cant change your DNS on MEO Fibergateway.
Change it on your devices.
I wish I can change them, because I have only user access without any permissions to make any changes. My initial question was about the support at MEO, they were not able to help me with my request and always hanging up when I was paged to the tech…..
You cant get full access to the router.
At least after some more calls, I finally changed wi-fi settings. Now I want to change my local DNS settings and I cant do that with User account, I need admin account. Today I made some calls and they were not able to help me, when I called 800-200-400 they asked me to call 16200, and otherwise. During the latest call, operator after I provided my request, told “Please, hold on” and hanged up……
I dont know where I need to make another calls, I really need this DNS to be changed, because I’ts very hard to use internet with delay before page is opening at least 2-5 second
Local network goes to the router, and this part slows down the connection that I have
The ISP will not give you admin credentials of their fibergateway. Like said before or you change DNS in your devices, or you buy your own router and via bridge mode you can do whatever you want in this device (yours).
Are you talking about this option?
The ISP will not give you admin credentials of their fibergateway. Like said before or you change DNS in your devices, or you buy your own router and via bridge mode you can do whatever you want in this device (yours).
Yes, its not possible to have an admin account.