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I have a big issue with Meo,

Since 18 Septemper until now,

My internet stop working 3 times, and each time I call them, I need to explain again the issue and need to wait them to make selly process then they make an appoinmnet for some one to come and fix the intrnwt.

He came, fixed and after 2 days, I have the same issue.

Again, I need to make whole pricess, it is stupid!

And each time, I asked them what is the issue, they said this will not happened again!!!

It happened with me 

18 of septmepr

First of November 

And now, just yesterday after one day of fixing.


And this cost me money as I am working as a free lancer.

Very bad services and company,I also made reclamation, but no one care.

Hello @Ramez , in order to get further information regarding your services you must contact the customer support through the contacts available at