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Hello. I have a question, how it look like with the FSFE Router Freedom in Portugal. Router Freedom is an EU Law, that allows the user to connect his own equipment on the Internet Provider Network.

This is the Website of FSFE:

The equipment need to meet ISPs technical specifications, and in this case the ISP should give the use the access codes for accessing his Internet account over own Router.

I read, that MEO is legally forced to give the user the data, but doesn't want it.

Here i would like to hear a comment from official MEO employee

Good afternoon @ExPLIT,

In order to obtain any clarification regarding the user terms of service of any MEO service and equipment associated with it, you need to use the official client service channels indicated at

Hello. I have a question, how it look like with the FSFE Router Freedom in Portugal. Router Freedom is an EU Law, that allows the user to connect his own equipment on the Internet Provider Network.

This is the Website of FSFE:

The equipment need to meet ISPs technical specifications, and in this case the ISP should give the use the access codes for accessing his Internet account over own Router.

I read, that MEO is legally forced to give the user the data, but doesn't want it.

Here i would like to hear a comment from official MEO employee

Did you get any response back ? Let me thru private message on forum or just add me on Discord (same username as the forum one)

Unfortunately, MEO offers only one communication channel and its Telephone. Its very disappointing and absolutely not state-of-the-art for a modern European communication company. In Germany, France, even in Ukraine all Internet Operators offer you multiple communication channels, even Telegram.

I called MEO, the woman from customer support said ,that this question could be only answered by technician. She couldn't connect me to the technician but gave another telephone number.

After called the technician hotline i got the dry answer, that connecting another router is not possible and i should connect another router in bridge mode. (what is not what i want).

The biggest Problem is privacy. With the MEO Router MEO has full control over my router and this is not what i want.

For me its not clear, why there are so less people in Portugal, who want to use they own router on the MEO fiberline network. Maybe they all need just fast internet and privacy is something, what they don't think about. I don’t know….


If someone has more success in getting his own router to work - let me know.

Good afternoon @ExPLIT,

In order to obtain any clarification regarding the user terms of service of any MEO service and equipment associated with it, you need to use the official client service channels indicated at

Hello Ricardo. Unfortunately this is not a solution. In my opinion, MEO should read the forum, where the customers complain about their problems from time to time, and offer them service and support.

Just point me to the website with telephone numbers is not really a solution for the problem.

As i wrote, my problem couldn’t be solved on telephone.

Unfortunately, MEO offers only one communication channel and its Telephone. Its very disappointing and absolutely not state-of-the-art for a modern European communication company. In Germany, France, even in Ukraine all Internet Operators offer you multiple communication channels, even Telegram.

I called MEO, the woman from customer support said ,that this question could be only answered by technician. She couldn't connect me to the technician but gave another telephone number.

After called the technician hotline i got the dry answer, that connecting another router is not possible and i should connect another router in bridge mode. (what is not what i want).

The biggest Problem is privacy. With the MEO Router MEO has full control over my router and this is not what i want.

For me its not clear, why there are so less people in Portugal, who want to use they own router on the MEO fiberline network. Maybe they all need just fast internet and privacy is something, what they don't think about. I don’t know….


If someone has more success in getting his own router to work - let me know.

You could try getting in contact with Deco Protest, they are known for their excellent work on consumer rights, they might be able to help you out on that. You can file a complain directly on their website regarding the issue, unfortunately in 2023 and the only real contact method is by phone, which usually leads nowhere.

Free Call 16 209


Free Call 16 209


This isn’t what we wants, what he really wants is to replace the ONT, so he needs the SIP config, which by european law, any ISP provider has to give. Not to speak most new setups, the router itself is the ONT, so you can’t even do that, but the real issue here is not being able to use his own ONT.

Com alguma habilidade é possível

Com alguma habilidade é possível

Nem com habilidade, nem sem ela, a não ser que tenhas as configurações da ONT em si, não podes substituir a mesma por outra, a ONT têm configurações, que a OLT valida ao conectares a fibra, sem elas a conceção não ocorre, as mesmas não são disponibilizadas ao cliente.


O que se quer aqui não é colocar o router em modo bridge, é usar um equipamento próprio onde a fibra vai ligar

Esquema basico (não seria usado assim na realidade, fiz só for uma questão de simplicidade)

Segundo o regulamento europeu, não podem impor restrições do equipamento terminal. (2 página, ponto 5) (aqui em varias linguagens)

Ao aceder à Internet, os utilizadores finais deverão ter a liberdade de escolher entre vários tipos de equipamento terminal tal como definido na Diretiva 2008/63/CE da Comissão ( 1 ). Os prestadores de serviços de acesso à Internet não deverão impor restrições à utilização de equipamentos terminais de ligação à rede para além das impostas pelos fabricantes ou pelos distribuidores de equipamentos terminais nos termos do direito da União.

Portugal EXIT EU ?


Can you elaborate, what does this have to do with the discussion ?

@PatalJunior não conhece a personagem em questão!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂😂

Até fui banido por conta desse personagem com o meu nick anterior @Trutafario .

Não aguentei mais ., tanta porcaria  que sai dessa mente.

In fact, it is possible to use your own router. Depending on what you want to connect.

You can have it like in the above picture, where the ONT is connected to the WAN port of your own device, but something that is not explained there is that you need to go to the VLAN options and select the operator, some routers have there, meo,zon,vodafone etc. in that case the 4th LAN port is going to be unusable for internet, it will be the one that connects to the operator router. Not sure, but it might work directly connected to the tv box too, if you dont care about the phone.

If you have just internet, like me, you can set a custom VLAN and set the value 12, that will give you internet on all ports.

I’ve had 2 asus and currently a tp-link in this setup, had to change to this tp-link, because altough i have 100/100 down/upload, the asus had 100mbits ports, and the speeds would never reach 100mbits/s, and now that this tplink has 1gb ports all round, i get over 100mbits/s.

In fact, it is possible to use your own router. Depending on what you want to connect.

You can have it like in the above picture, where the ONT is connected to the WAN port of your own device, but something that is not explained there is that you need to go to the VLAN options and select the operator, some routers have there, meo,zon,vodafone etc. in that case the 4th LAN port is going to be unusable for internet, it will be the one that connects to the operator router. Not sure, but it might work directly connected to the tv box too, if you dont care about the phone.

If you have just internet, like me, you can set a custom VLAN and set the value 12, that will give you internet on all ports.

I’ve had 2 asus and currently a tp-link in this setup, had to change to this tp-link, because altough i have 100/100 down/upload, the asus had 100mbits ports, and the speeds would never reach 100mbits/s, and now that this tplink has 1gb ports all round, i get over 100mbits/s.

Once again what I want is not to replace the router but the ONT itself, did you even read the post ?
Replacing the router is possible, if your ONT is seperate to it, but nowadays the ONT is integrated with the router itself, so most of the times not even that is possible.


We are customers and want Security Fist in Portugal, a country with History and Culture  💚❤️

SkyDSL, Sarlink, Tooway. VivaSat might have what you`re looking for.  
Good luck and good bye,
🚌🚢 ✈️