
Replace router

  • 25 May 2022
  • 7 respostas
  • 635 visualizações

  • Principiante
  • 2 respostas

How can I replace the router? I see answers as in:

That promote using bridge mode but that’s no options since then you have 2 devices using power 24/7.

I don’t care about IPTV or phone, just want straight internet out of the box….. What are the settings I need to get that running?

thank you.


Solução por Trutafario 25 May 2022, 16:13

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7 respostas

Reputação 7
Crachá +24

Não consigo perceber a sua questão.

Quer colocar outro router?

Pode instalar sem ser em bridge desde que tenha porta wan e liga em modo AP.

Não consigo perceber a sua questão.

Quer colocar outro router?

Pode instalar sem ser em bridge desde que tenha porta wan e liga em modo AP.

So I can remove the existing router and replace it with my own by connecting it’s WAN port to the small box that has the fiber wire cable?

Reputação 7
Crachá +24

Não , tem que ter sempre o seu router pode é ligar outro não por bridge mas por wan no 2o router colocando o 2o router em modo AP.

Tenho assim e funciona perfeitamente, um router bom e fácil de instalar porque basta colocar em modo AP e ele faz td sozinho é o Wi-Fi 6 da tplink.

Ainda não percebi bem, mas o seu router de serviço não o pode tirar, pode pedir à meo para o trocar com um custo de 40€

Não , tem que ter sempre o seu router pode é ligar outro não por bridge mas por wan no 2o router colocando o 2o router em modo AP.

Tenho assim e funciona perfeitamente, um router bom e fácil de instalar porque basta colocar em modo AP e ele faz td sozinho é o Wi-Fi 6 da tplink.

Ainda não percebi bem, mas o seu router de serviço não o pode tirar, pode pedir à meo para o trocar com um custo de 40€

It’s ridiculous that they force you to keep 2 routers running 24/7 if you don’t want to use the one they supply. As far as I know there is European law that even prohibits that but even ethics should already be enough. This is what you call a waste of energy.

This thing is not resolved, why they marked it like that!


BTW: I do have a serious issue that MEO router doesn’t hold the amount of devices and the speed of the router!!! constantly glitches! I want to change it to a more powerful one, why I can't do that? Or they should be sued because not delivering the speed for the amount of devices that I have?

Reputação 7
Crachá +23

This thing is not resolved, why they marked it like that!


BTW: I do have a serious issue that MEO router doesn’t hold the amount of devices and the speed of the router!!! constantly glitches! I want to change it to a more powerful one, why I can't do that? Or they should be sued because not delivering the speed for the amount of devices that I have?


This is a public forum, where we are all costumers like you. Don’t expect someone here to phisicaly solve your personal issue. As mentioned here 

 you have some options. if your router is combined with ONT (Optical Network Terminal) the solution is connect 2 router in bridge mode. If you want to change MEO equipments separated ONT and router (you can ask this but be warned that can cost you 40 euros). 

In any of this options if you remove the MEO router, you won’t be abble to watch TV via IPTV (meo box) and fixed telephone won’t work. If you don’t want to use TV and telephone, you can connect any personal router (compartible) on the ONT directly. 

Did you checked that options with the technical support? My service I have ONT + My router (I requested on the instalation 2 years ago, to install just ONT). 

I am having the same issues but do not understand the solutions.  I cannot replace this crummy GR241AG with something better?  I cannot use my VPN or Smart TV with this one.
THANKS for your help.


bobby j