
Own Fiberline Router instead of Fiber Gataway

  • 25 November 2023
  • 1 resposta
  • 112 visualizações


Hello all!

I have a Fiber Gateway on my MEO FiberLine account in Portugal but i am not happy with the Router (Fiber Gataway) which i got from MEO. I would like to use my own FIberLine Router, with much more options.

I would like to use AVM Fritz!Box 5530, which should work on every European FiberLine Connection.

Of course i can use the router in Bridge Mode, but i dont want to use 2 routers, where i can have one.

In Germany we have the right to use our own Router on the Internet Connection, and Internet Provider need accept it, if the technical specifications of the Provider are met.

Is there something like that in Portugal?

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1 resposta

Reputação 5
Crachá +18

Good morning @ExPLIT , in order to get support for your specific services you must contact the Costumer Support through the contacts available at