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I have spoken to 3 people at MEO and advised each one that my account is to be closed.  Each person then tried to pass me off to someone else.  Eventually you cut my call off.  I called back and told a fourth person that I wished to close my account, he put me on a hold loop that lasted over 20 minutes.  I hung up and again tried to have you call me from your 220 432060 number but you have now blocked that service to me. So I know you have received my order to close my account.  This is now your official notice in writing and I have blocked my bank from making further payment to you.

What a foolish, unprofessional, disgusting display of customer service from you.  I shall be happy to tell all expats asking for phone service recommendations to avoid MEO like the plague.

Nada que possa tratar pelo fórum. Aqui somos clientes.

Para cancelar o contrato, veja aqui:
