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Are you trying to block my cancellation?

  • 2 August 2023
  • 4 respostas
  • 145 visualizações

So I went to the MEO shop on the 9th of July to cancel my contract. They had me call their customer service from my phone and request the cancellation. The lady on the phone confirmed the cancellation and the cancellation fee and asked me to return the equipment after the 29th of July. She said I cannot return it earlier, even though I was leaving the country, so I left it with a friend to return it. So far so good.


Then my friend went to return it on the 31st of July but they told him they cannot accept it because the service is still active and the termination did not get processed properly. My poor friend was in the shop for an hour trying to solve this issue and couldn’t.


Now what are you trying to do? You said my service was cancelled but you didn’t cancel it? You want to keep me as a customer forever? Is that your plan? If yes, you are not going to succeed. NOS tried to pull the same scam with me and they failed.


Now I am abroad and can’t take your calls. Please fix this issue immediately. You have 3 days before I file a complaint.

This is a public forum. Here we are clients. No one canal solve this issue here. You have to contact customer support.

I am abroad outside the EU and don’t want to spend a fortune and hours calling their customer service. This is why I cancelled before leaving, but apparently they just lied to me.

They replied today by email finally and said there was no evidence of cancellation. Amazing stuff. Who was I on the phone with? My aunt?


Well done MEO, you’re doing a great job.

Do you received any written confirmation of the cancellation? If not, this is a clear evidence that there was no cancellation.

Next step is to go to the shop and to request the audition of the 9th july call.