• 3 March 2023
  • 4 respostas
  • 70 visualizações

Complaint MEO

In January, we attempted to terminate our contract as we had moved abroad. However, due to neglectful behavior from the customer service representative, who hung up on us when they realized we spoke English and provided incorrect information regarding the termination process, we were informed that it was not possible to end our 12 or 24-month contract. It was only after the eighth call and multiple emails that we were able to explain the situation and provide evidence of the clause in the contract allowing for immediate termination if we were to leave the country.

Despite providing all the necessary information via their website, the process has been delayed and we have been asked to pay around 80 euros for February and March to finalize the contract. In addition, they sent a letter to our previous address after we had moved, and we only became aware that the contract would end in April when we called them.

It is important to note that we have not used the service for two months but have still been charged the full amount. The contract will not end until April, almost two months after our initial attempt to terminate it. We have already provided evidence, but they have asked for additional proof, further slowing the process. While we are willing to accept a reasonable penalty charge, it is unfair to be charged the full price for a service that we are not using.

I hope we could come to an agreement to settle this dispute regarding the two invoices

Kind Regards

  1. Camilo 


4 respostas

Reputação 7
Crachá +24

Hi! Sorry, this is a public forum. Here we are clients. Here your issue will not be read or treated by someone from meo. 

Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for the information. 

I understand. Now other users can read my experience with MEO. Will file a complaint on my account.


Have a great day

Did you ever find an email address to contact MEO as we have issues wit them

Reputação 7
Crachá +24

@jane shirazi

There is no email adress. For customer support you can call, go to a store or use you mymeo área. 
