
Does 'M Mobile Prepaid Free' expire of not used?

  • 3 January 2022
  • 3 respostas
  • 285 visualizações

Bom dia!

I have just purchased a MEO SIM card:

"M Mobile Prepaid Free

€0.05 / minute / SMS

Speak at the same price for all national networks, with no mandatory top-ups or monthly fees."

If I don't change to a monthly plan, will the SIM card deactivate if not used for a certain length of time?

I have searched fairly extensively but can't find this information.


Solução por omicronpersei8 3 January 2022, 12:57

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3 respostas

Reputação 7
Crachá +23



The tariff has a monthly maintenance cost of €1. This value extends the validity of the card for 30 days, remaining active even if you do not make or receive communications. If the available balance is insufficient to charge the monthly maintenance cost, the card will remain active as long as you receive a non-free call/SMS every 90 days. (link on the page where says M Móvel Pré Pago Livre)

Many thanks. I've seen it mentioned that a chargeable call has to be made every 90 days even if there is money on the account. Is this not correct, and it just needs money for the maintenance fee?

Reputação 7
Crachá +23

It’s the prepaid conditions for this tariff.  Unfortunately, from what I know, this is transversal between carriers, some still charge even more depending on the tariff.