
Charged for International calls that should be exempt

  • 20 November 2020
  • 1 resposta
  • 161 visualizações

I am a new customer. I have been making calls to EUA between 9pm-9am. I have seen on my Movements and values ​​consumed summary that I have been charged for these calls. I checked before making the calls on your “Prefixos dos destinos internacionais incluídos nos pacotes” page and it says calls to this destination are included (1585 prefix).

Please clarify if this is correct and make steps to refund me. I will not make any further calls until you clarify.

Thank you.

1 resposta

Reputação 7
Crachá +21
Howdy, I suggest you forward an order via the MEO customer area. following this link -pedido - select “Faturas e Carregamentos” → “Consumos e valor a pagar”. Describe the situation and send. The customer care will contact you as soon as possible.
