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Hi Meo support 

I am a new customer to Meo and have just bought a house in Portugal and in the process of moving over to your wonderfull country. The issue is as i am based in London and will not be back in Portugal till Dec i am unable to pay my bill. 

When i purchased the house the owner of the house suggested we “move” the account into my name. The issue came in that I have had no furtehr correspondace from Meo and am worred that my account is or has gone unpaied. 

is there a way we can resolve this issue as so i can settle my bill with you please. 



Unfortunately here is no MEO support.

Call +351 961 001 620

Would there be an email address that I could use for billing enquieries? 

Kind Regards


There is no email for customer support.

There is a way to contact across the customer area. Do you have access?

I do have access but I dont know my customer number or account number and so cant link myMeo account with my account. 

I will give them a call shortly! Thanks for your help!