Formal Address of MEO

  • 14 June 2014
  • 6 respostas
  • 747 visualizações

May I have the formal land address for MEO? I need it to send a formal letter concerning my contract.

Tópico fechado, já não permite mais respostas.

6 respostas

Reputação 6
Crachá +10
I am not sure if it is right to answer such a question in this forum, so I will seek staff advice.  Please, standby...
Reputação 6
Crachá +10
Hi @@@BritUser 


In order to get help, concerning any contract situation, you better send a private message, including your personal data, phone number and MEO account number, to any of the following staff members:


@@@Jorge_MEO , @@@Maria_MEO , @@@Luís_MEO 


Thank you

Reputação 3
Crachá +18
Hello @@@BritUser , you can send all your questions through our web form in or by mail to:

PT Comunicações, S.A.

Apartado 1423, EC Pedro Hispano

4106-005 Porto

e possivel contactar a Meo por email?

Reputação 7
Crachá +24


Por email só se for assuntos da loja online. 


Is it possible for someone to send the Meo mail address to be able to contact Meo by mail? THANK YOU in advançe for all your help .